Jesolo Sand Nativity, emotions carved in the sand.

Jesolo Sand Nativity. Prenota l'hotel Germania per il tuo soggiorno.

Jesolo Sand Nativity, emotions carved in the sand.

The most beautiful symbol of your Christmas!

Jesolo Sand Nativity returns: the magical and evocative Sand Nativity scene that has been making Christmas in Jesolo and Venice enchanting for years!

Are you ready to be enchanted by the wonder of sand sculptures at Jesolo Sand Nativity? The exhibition, which even captured the attention of Pope Francis, awaits you at Piazza Brescia from December 3, 2023, until February 4, 2024.

Immerse yourself in a journey following in the footsteps of St. Francis of Assisi, celebrating the eight hundred years since the evocative nativity scene at Greccio.

The 21st edition of this unique event embodies the essence of St. Francis of Assisi through the extraordinary works of 14 professional sculptors.

Each sculpture skillfully and passionately narrates the most engaging episodes of the life of this remarkable saint. Come and experience the magical and vibrant atmosphere of this event that captures the joy and spirituality of the Christmas season!

"Il Grido", un'imponente scultura di legno di 4 metri per 1,80 metri, realizzata dall'artista altopianese Marco Martalar con frammenti di abete rosso e di faggio raccolti nei boschi delle Dolomiti abbattuti dalla tempesta Vaia nel 2018.

Il Grido - The Cry

The exhibition is enriched by a monumental wooden sculpture, created by the artist Marco Martalar and placed in the outdoor area of Jesolo Sand Nativity.

Named ‘The Cry’ and created in 2021, it embodies the lament of the woods devastated by the violent gusts of wind from the Vaia storm that struck the Asiago Plateau in 2018.

The sculpture, built with leftovers of red fir wood and beech cuttings, depicts an outstretched hand reaching upwards, seeking to personify the value of the materials comprising it.

These materials, naturally inclined to assume new forms, symbolize the constant natural cycle of existence.

To stay in Jesolo during the Jesolo Sand Nativity exhibition, book an apartment at Hotel Germania!
Phone: +39 0421 381223

Since 2002, the finest international sand sculptors have gathered in the seaside town to create a monumental sand nativity scene.

Since then, edition after edition, Sand Nativity has grown in the number of visitors, establishing itself as one of the most renowned nativity scenes for the Christmas holidays throughout Italy.

This year, the theme accompanying the sand nativity will be ‘In the Footsteps of Francis of Assisi – Eight hundred years since the nativity scene of Saint Francis in Greccio,’ an invitation to reflect on the profound connection between faith and the hope for salvation and healing.

Beauty combined with the sweetest and most evocative thoughts.

Jesolo Sand Nativity. Prenota l'hotel Germania per il tuo soggiorno.

A beauty that embraces everyone's heart!

Jesolo Sand Nativity

The sand nativity scene in Jesolo can be admired at Piazza Brescia until February 4, 2024, with a magnificent setup and an exhibition rich in monumental sculptures and perspective views, featuring painted scenography and olive trees that will accompany visitors on a fascinating emotional and spiritual journey.

The Jesolo Sand Nativity scene can be visited from December 3, 2023, to February 4, 2024.

Opening hours:

The nativity scene is open until Sunday, February 4, 2024:

  • Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM – 7:30 PM
  • Saturday, Sunday, and holidays: continuous hours 9:30 AM – 7:30 PM
  • From December 23 to January 7: continuous hours 9:30 AM – 7:30 PM

Admission is free!

The works and the sculptors

The cast consists of 14 sculptors from around the world, directed by the Canadian David Ducharme.

The works for 2023-2024 are as follows:

The Sermon to the Birds: Hanneke Supply (Belgium)
The Kiss of the Leper: Pedro Mira (Portugal)
The Prayer at the Crucifix: Jakub Zimacek Kuba Libre (Czech Republic)
The Rule: Richard Baldrick Buckle (United Kingdom)
The Renunciation of Goods: Ilya Filimontsev (Russia)
Francis with the Sultan: Dmitrii Klimenko (Russia) Francis Plays the Viola: Michela Ciappini (Italy) Saint Francis and the Wolf: Susanne Ruseler (Netherlands) Francis Receives the Stigmata: Enguerrand David (Belgium) The Angels Play for Him: Helena Bangert (Netherlands) Clare and the Sisters: Marielle Heessels (Netherlands) Nativity: Radek Zivny (Czech Republic), Slava Borecki (Ukraine), Vadim Gryadov (Russia)

Contact your
Hotel Germania!

Whether it’s for information or to book your stay at Hotel Germania in Jesolo, do not hesitate to write to us or call us at +39 0421 381223.

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