When serenity arrives in your life. 😊
Winter days before the summer season sometimes pass slowly.
They often leave invisible traces, but not on the body, no, not there.
Those intense days, spent working, planning, organizing. While it’s cold outside, there’s rain, yes, those days.
The traces left, almost randomly, from those days with the noise of thunder and hail, hastily sweeping away some brave bits of blue, I don’t know if you’re familiar with that.
Those days when one dreams of summer, music, friends’ smiles, sand between the fingers, and a glass of white wine at sunset on the beach.

Well, these ‘traces,’ halfway between weariness and melancholy, guess where they are ready to settle?
Yes, you guessed it: …in the eyes!
The years and that touch of true love that we insert between the armchairs, among the clean sheets, on the breakfast or dinner table we prepare for you every day, have made us experts.
Oh, yes, because once there were those who read people’s past and future in coffee grounds… We, on the other hand, read their eyes!
Yes, you understood correctly, the eyes, yours.
Upon arrival, there’s everything that words cannot express. And sometimes, words are not even necessary.
There are a lot of things inside your gazes, if observed closely, with affection.
There are dreamed hopes and rainy days, and joy that can’t wait to burst out because it’s been a long year waiting.
There are those eyes lost in the February fog and the anticipation of sunny days.

Then there are the eyes of children, the ones that always laugh, sometimes they cry, well, just to get a bit of cuddling.
And then, almost magically, those eyes free themselves, sometimes after a few days, other times after five minutes, just enough time to sense the scent of the sea.
In the end, you know what happens? What happens is that upon departure, although veiled with a slightly bronzed melancholy, all those eyes shine even more.
And they are full. Full of sea, joy, laughter, friendship. Full of hopes, plans, future.
Full of light.
You see, we ‘read’ your vacation… like this.