The Fabulous
Venetian Carnival!
The Carnival of Venice is one of the most esteemed, famous, and envied carnival events on the planet.
Characterized by a great deal of elegance, magic, and even a sensual mystery…
Every winter, our guests join us, making Hotel Germania in Jesolo the ideal starting point to experience the grandeur of the Venice Carnival 2024!
For your accommodation in Jesolo (Venice) during the Venice Carnival 2024, choose and book Hotel Germania!
Ph.: +39 0421 381223
E-Mail: info@hotelgermania.net

The Venice Carnival 2024 is set to explode into a whirlwind of excitement and fun!
The countdown has already begun, and the lagoon city is ready to celebrate one of its greatest heroes: Marco Polo!
Under the captivating title ‘To the East: The Amazing Journey of Marco Polo,’ this Carnival is an extraordinary tribute to the legendary explorer.
Imagine yourself thrust into an epic adventure as you travel through the alleys and squares of Venice, immersing yourself in a magical spectacle that blends history, culture, and limitless creativity!
This year, the Carnival is dedicated to the theme of travel, exploration, and encounters with uncharted worlds.
It’s a unique opportunity to explore not only remote lands but also your inner journey in search of oneself.

From January 27th to February 13th, Venice will be the backdrop for this extraordinary celebration, transforming into a lively and engaging stage filled with performances, music, and art.
It will be a Carnival spread across every corner of the city, from the islands to the mainland, where everyone can relive the breathtaking adventure of Marco Polo.
Traditional events won’t be missed, such as the selection of the most beautiful masks and the 12 Maries.
And for those seeking an extraordinary culinary experience, the official Dinner Show ‘At the Court of the Great Khan’ at Ca’ Vendramin Calergi, curated by the renowned designer Antonia Sautter, will be an unmissable opportunity!
The Carnival Street Show will dazzle everyone with the finest international artists, while the Arsenale will host an exciting spectacle on the Venetian waters titled ‘Terra Incognita,’ enchanting the audience much like Marco Polo’s journeys.

But wait, there’s more!
The Carnival will also be an opportunity to enjoy a series of theatrical and artistic performances in collaboration with the Biennale and other cultural entities in the city.
It’s a moment to completely immerse oneself in a fantastical world, transforming Venice into a breathtaking setting that captures everyone’s imagination.
Artistic Director Massimo Checchetto emphasized Marco Polo’s heroism, his courage in facing the unknown and exploring distant lands. ‘To the East’ evokes the explorative spirit of this legendary traveler, opening the doors to a magical and captivating Venice, ready to make us dream of uncharted territories and extraordinary civilizations!
The Venice Carnival 2024 will be an unforgettable event, an overwhelming experience that blends history, charm, and entertainment.
It’s time to be swept away by the magic of Marco Polo and this enchanting city! Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this extraordinary celebration that continues to inspire and enchant even today!
The origins of this tradition are truly ancient, dating back as early as 1094, although it existed long before then!
Following in the footsteps of the ‘Panem et Circenses’ of ancient Romans, the Venice Carnival was an opportunity to alleviate the political pressure of the powerful Venetians on the less affluent citizens.
During this time, under the anonymity provided by the masks, individuals could even mock nobles and the wealthy without fear of reprisal or punishment.
The mask temporarily nullified every social difference or class affiliation. It was already about joy and jest!
Even today, this famous ritual of the Venice Carnival is based on incredibly cheerful and joyous participation in the game, hidden behind the colorful and extremely elegant masks.
Il Carnevale di Venezia ritrova la sua più consueta atmosfera di allegria diffusa, di spettacoli, di gente che viene coinvolta, non solo spettatrice.
Nei campi e nelle strade, durante i week end del Carnevale va in scena una bellissima serie di spettacoli di musica, circo-teatro, burattini, acrobatica e clownerie.
I sabati e le domeniche e il lunedì e il martedì grasso gli spettacoli andranno in scena con repliche dalle 11.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 15.00 alle 19.00.
Gli altri giorni il pomeriggio dalle 15 alle 19.

An exciting show,
with you at the center!
Courtships, love affairs, the innocent laughter of a friend who doesn’t recognize you…
It’s the costume that defines who you want to be during the Venice Carnival.
Not surprisingly, in the past, people greeted each other with a ‘Good morning, Mrs. Mask!’
In essence, the splendor and fantasy of the costumes invite you to capture memorable photos.
The joyful atmosphere around you is an invitation to enjoy life with intelligence, serenity, and a touch of irony!
A Venetian carnival
full of events!
There’s an entire significant program that marks the impetuous flow of the Venice Carnival…
START: Saturday, January 27th, 2024
END: Tuesday, February 13th, 2024
We will update you as soon as the official program of shows, events, and parties for the Venice Carnival 2024 is released.
Venice once again transforms into a fabulous water stage, offering a captivating spectacle that surprises thousands of spectators gathered along the canal edges every year.
For all updated information, visit www.carnevale.venezia.it
The Venice Carnival celebration continues until February 13th, 2024, featuring the water parade of the Rowing Associations, numerous parties, events, parades, and gastronomic routes showcasing delicious Venetian specialties.
Not to be missed!
The Venice Carnival:
An Ancient Celebration!
It was only around 1270 that the productions of masks, clothing, and costumes became more sophisticated and multiplied.
In this immense and suggestive Venetian stage, it temporarily liberated people from gossip, reputations, or class divisions. Especially in a Venice that was normally very mindful of modesty, customs, and strict traditions.
Thus, the mask-makers became respected artisans, recognized by the Government of Venice.
The trades of precious fabrics, jewelry, spices, and ornaments from the mythical Orient also flourished.
It was the Carnival of Venice, taking shape with its rituals and celebrations.
A very ancient ritual:
The Maries!
The traditional ‘Festa delle Marie’ renewed an ancient Venetian tradition: girls – from poor families and very beautiful – were aided by wealthy patricians with money, extremely expensive and rare clothes, and borrowed jewelry.
Usually, the procession of the most beautiful Maries starts from San Piero di Castello around 2:30 PM, proceeds along Via Garibaldi and Riva degli Schiavoni in a colorful, elegant, and highly theatrical procession.
The route would culminate at the stage in Piazza San Marco, where the official presentation to the attentive public during the Venice Carnival took place.
It celebrated the tribute that the Doge annually offered to the twelve beautiful and humble Venetian girls, enriching them for marriage with the Doge’s jewels.
The ‘Festa delle Marie’ was a splendid moment to be enchanted by the costumes of ancient Venetian elegance.
It lasted several days, concluding with the joyful proclamation of the ‘Maria del Carnevale di Venezia’.
For your accommodation in Jesolo (Venice) during the Venice Carnival 2024, choose and book Hotel Germania!
Ph.: +39 0421 381223
E-Mail: info@hotelgermania.net

Tagiar la testa al toro!
The occurrence of Fat Thursday in the year 1162, celebrating Doge Vitale Michiel II’s victory over Patriarch Ulrich of Aquileia along with the 12 rebellious feudal lords.
Following this attempted insurrection that ended in bloodshed, all successors of the Patriarch had to send the Doge of the Republic of Venice, as a gift and compensation, a bull, 12 loaves of bread, and 12 fat pigs.
The bull represented the Patriarch and the 12 pigs represented the treacherous feudal lords who, amid jests and pranks, were placed in the public square with a ritual that included the final act of cutting off the bull’s head!
This is the origin of the Venetian saying ‘Tagiar la testa al toro,’ which means conclusively closing a discussion.
The animals were slaughtered and cooked, and their meat was distributed during banquets among the nobles, clergy, people, and prisoners.

The great children's party!
The Venice Carnival is a joy for both adults and children! This year more than ever!
The sheer amount of surprises, magic, and wonders that already excite adults are an endless source of amazement and stimulation for the little ones.
These experiences will profoundly influence their future imagination and the way they perceive the world to come.
And this celebration doesn’t take place just anywhere, but in the fabulous wonder of this jewel of art, with its incredible history, the beauty of every corner, and architecture of the lagoon city.
Venice is rightfully the Pearl of Italy’s tourist heritage!
Live an experience
surprising and captivating
...at Hotel Germania!
Your stay will take place in the oasis of Jesolo, with its endless beaches.
An ideal location to combine this short trip with healthy physical activity: using e-Bikes on its scenic routes around the Venice Lagoon, along the rivers, or through colorful markets; or engaging in invigorating morning runs, freely, by the sea.
Always surrounded by smiles, courteous assistance, and delicious homemade treats at Hotel Germania, your habitual retreat in this beautiful part of Italy.