Reviews: kind words and thoughts that touch the heart.

For a hotel like the Germania in Jesolo that maintains such a close and intimate relationship with its guests, reviews serve as an extraordinary means to understand what their customers experienced during their stay.
This allows for continuous updates, improving service, and enhancing overall satisfaction. Reviews also serve as an important tool to understand the moods, thoughts, expectations, and feelings each guest has encountered.
Lastly, they serve as a fantastic way to connect, even managing to touch the heart of each individual.
Among the numerous hundreds of reviews we’ve received, there was one that truly touched my heart, resonating with my emotions, making me feel not only pleased with the work I do but also with the way my small hotel displays its profound personality, so closely tied to people’s feelings.
And here, I wanted to respond to this Friend: this person with such a sensitive and big heart.
The beautiful things about a vacation, the ones that remain etched in memories.
Dear xxxx,
a heartfelt and immense thank you for being here with all of us, for adding your personality—so sweet, intense, exuberant, discreet, profound, courteous, sensitive, and acute—to that of all the other Guests and Friends.
Your review is beautiful; I will cherish it among the precious things that this profession has gifted me.
It’s beautifully written, comprehensive, and evocative in describing what we do: it manages to provide a very good perception of what awaits here at the Hotel Germania for those who carefully read the reviews before deciding where to spend their vacation.
The second part is poignant, emotionally intense, capable of evoking strong emotions and moods.
You mention very valid and important things that, however, usually slip by us without us perceiving their strong reality and what they represent.
Remembering the names of those who were with you, those who followed, served, smiled at you. You are right: most of us… do not remember them.
It takes a strong emotional impact for this to happen: there must be events that imprint moments, circumstances, colors, and people in our thoughts.
For your wonderful stay in Jesolo (Venice), book an apartment or a room at the Germania Suite Hotel!
Phone: +39 0421 381223

The true meaning of a vacation.
You know, in my way of seeing things, a vacation serves numerous purposes: to relax and have fun, certainly. But it also contributes to bringing clarity, awareness.
How many of us are dragged into a routine that is not only unstimulating (if not worse) but also empties us, confuses us, deprives us of conviction, ideas, goals, even of the courage, imagination, and determination needed to tackle our new challenges head-on?
Well, here, there are no psychologists or behavior analysts.
Here at the Germania, there is friendship, no one disguises themselves, no one pretends to be something else.
We talk to each other, confide in each other, open up. And this inspires, suggests answers, points to possible paths and routes, often provides clarity.
Above all, it sweeps away that sticky fog, that set of viscous routines that suffocate our lives, make everything dull, confuse ideas, and drain courage.

So inevitably, the effect is what you described with such passion: freed from those useless and harmful trappings, everyone walks back feeling lighter, lifts their gaze, and sees the colors of the sky, the smiles of those around us, the best path to follow.
In this successful vacation, so different from the usual ones, in this new state of mind we’ve reached, every guest at the Germania also perceives joy, friendship, fun, closeness, values, and the things that truly matter in life even more clearly.
What can I say? I earnestly hope to meet all of you again.
And I hope even more that this freshness within you, this enthusiasm, reminiscent of fresh spring water, continues to flow for a long time, perhaps gifting you with even more colors that you will bring here, from all of us.
Thank you.
A hug.
Tania Menazza